KPS Membership
To renew your membership go to the KPS Shop at the top of the page.
To purchase anything via the KPS Shop, you need to be logged in, either as Member or as a Guest.
Details at bottom of this page.
Currently our fees are:
Full Competing Member $80.00
Full Competing Concession Member $65.00 (Concession membership is only available to holders of an Australian Government Pensioner Concession Card.)
Associate Member $20.00 (cannot vote on club matters, enter competitions nor have a personal gallery.)
Suitable for competing members spouse/partner who may attend KPS infrequently. The system requires that every member has their own email address.
The following is our normal schedule.
KPS meets on most Wednesday nights at Dillbadin Primary School (formerly Boronia West Primary School), doors open about 7.15 pm and we generally finish around 10pm.
First Wednesday of the month is a Committee meeting.
Second Wednesday of the month we have a speaker.
Third Wednesday of the month is a prac night when we learn about or practice our photography.
Fourth Wednesday of the month is judging night when we get to hear the judges opinions of our images submitted for the monthly image evaluation and hand in the following month's image evaluation entries.
Fifth Wednesday of the month (if there is one) No Meeting.
If you think you may be interested in joining KPS, please feel free to attend a few meetings to see if you like what you see before you commit to joining.
Looking to join KPS?
KPS uses a software package called Visual Pursuits (you are looking at Visual Pursuits right now) to manage many aspects of our club.
To join KPS you will need a Visual Pursuits ID, which is free, and an email address unique to yourself. You cannot share an email addess with a spouse/partner if they wish to also be a member.
You can obtain your Visual Pursuits ID and seek membership of KPS using the instructions below, all within the same process.
Membership needs approval by KPS and in most cases will be approved once you have paid your subscription (at our online shop, using PayPal – you do not need a PayPal account!)
Please read the KPS Code of Ethics and be prepared to abide by it before joining.
After reading and agreeing to our Code of Ethics, go to the home page and click login then follow the instructions under Create an Account at the bottom of the page.
Select a login name, such as your email address. If your chosen name doesn’t work it is either already taken or doesn’t comply. Choose a new username.
Decide on a password then confirm it (please write this down).
The system will tell you about the process, but you are now most of the way through.
Choose your membership level (Competing, Concession Competing or Associate)
Now please pay using PayPal via the KPS Shop (main Menu bar) and await approval. You do not need a PayPal account, just a credit or debit card.
If you are having issues, please contact our Membership Officer, Peter Knight, via email here.
You should really read all the information about joining and/or watch the video but the above is a brief summary if you aren’t a details kind of person.
Create an Account
If you do not have a Login Name, use the button below to create an account
and request membership in this organization.
If you already have a Visual Pursuits account for any other organization,
login with your account and use the menu "My Account",
"Organizations" to request
membership in this organization.
That page will also provide links to other organizations.
If you are judging competitions or registering for a public event,
you do not need to request membership.
If you have an existing account with any organization using the
Visual Pursuits service, login to this website with that account.
If you do not have an account and do not need membership,
use the button below to create a Guest account.